Product Reviews & eCommerce: a Love Story


Smart product reviews like the one above have the following effects:

1) They make your customers give information about your product’s wearability to your potential customers.

2) By giving wearability information they are likely to reduce the return rate. By inserting such constraints (large fit, right fit, small fit) you “gently force” the customer to give specific wearability information, which is soooo useful.

3) They are very good for SEO. The review’s content might attract traffic straight into the product page. And it’s generally good traffic, because if people look for a review it generally means they intend to buy the product at some point.

4) They increase your credibility AND reduce the time the customer needs to make a decision. Which is good! 🙂

And by the way, how much do we love those tabs? So clean and functional, they contain all the information a customer might ask. This is indeed a very good organisation for a complete product page!

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