Coop and their new Partecipative Marketing campaign about Eggs – Information, Engagement and Business come together

I was very impressed by this Marketing Campaign run by the Swedish grocery retailer Coop about the fact they no longer sell eggs from caged hens.

Take a look:

Coop Egg Advertising

Coop Egg Advertising

This is different, and brilliant. This campaign is based on a simple call-to-action: put yourself in the hen’s shoes. We’ve given you the tools, and the context, for you to understand why we don’t do that anymore.

Once you will have felt that empathy we wanted to create, you will understand why we don’t sell those eggs coming from caged hens anymore, and why you have to pay more to get the – apparently – same product.

Engaging the customer – asking him to participate to the campaign – is a very common strategy in Guerrilla Marketing, however this is different, as by making customers put themselves in the hen’s shoes, Coop creates thoughts, empathy. And that empathy is what they need to create a connection, to switch the focus from the transaction to the relation. The customer who feels empathy for the hens does not care about a higher price.

What do you think?


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One thought on “Coop and their new Partecipative Marketing campaign about Eggs – Information, Engagement and Business come together

  1. now that’s great!

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